MOS Burger
Posted on September 26, 2017 by jason toner No comments

Spicy jalapeño salsa burger
MOS Burger
Mountain Ocean Sun Burger is the second largest fast food franchise in Japan after, yes take a guess! Those guys… Born in Tokyo, 1972 they have thrown their unique taste as far as Taiwan, Singapore, Australia, Indonesia, Hong Kong and Thailand.
Their claim to fame was back in 87 when they unleashed the Mos Rice Burger which was a ground chicken, daikon and soy patty in between a bun made with rice barley and millet.)
But enough ass kissing, this is junk food presented in a gloriously civilized manner(think messy burger in white shirt-saving parchment pouch, wooden panelled decor, well seasoned staff thinking less about AKB47 than Stravinsky and retirement) I sampled 8 different burgers which, despite their individualTonkatsu burger
names, were pretty homogenous. I am fine with that, Neil young makes great music and it all sounds the same, my style! If you compare mos to “those”guys, mos wins on technical merit hands down with cleaner more natural tasting food and a less plastic experience but although I hit those guys very rarely, I respect their approach more than Mos as they do their thing with unabashed conviction and mos just coasts the middle ground.
But worth a try if your feeling like a clean cut Japanese version of the chain burger experience.